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Coronavirus: South Korean Shincheonji organization pioneer captured

South Korea has captured the pioneer of a strict organization connected to the nation's biggest coronavirus episode.

Lee Man-hee, 88, heads the Shincheonji Church of Jesus. More than 5,000 of its individuals got tainted, making up 36% of all Covid-19 cases in the nation.

The specialists blame him for concealing data about the gathering's individuals and social events from contact tracers.

The congregation says Mr. Lee was worried for his individuals' protection, yet never concealed data from the specialists.

South Korea as of now has 14,336 coronavirus cases and 300 passings.

People watch a TV broadcasting a news report on a news conference held by Lee Man-hee, founder of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, in Seoul, South Korea, March 2, 2020
Image Credit: BBC

Mr. Lee was captured right off the bat Saturday, following an examination. An appointed authority said there were signs that proof identified with the case was being pulverized.

Mr. Lee is additionally blamed for stealing 5.6bn won ($4.7m; £3.6m) and holding unapproved strict occasions.

In an announcement, the Shincheonji Church said Mr. Lee had been worried about "over the top solicitations" for individual subtleties of individuals, however never endeavored to block the examination.

"The court's issuance of a capture warrant doesn't mean a liable decision," it included. "Every conceivable exertion will be made to uncover the reality in the up and coming court preliminaries."

Who is Lee Man-hee?

Lee Man-hee says he is the manifestation of Jesus Christ's subsequent coming and recognizes as "the guaranteed minister" referenced in the Bible.

He established the Shincheonji Church in 1984. In Korean, Shincheonji signifies "new paradise and earth".

The gathering, which has 230,000 individuals, is viewed as a faction by many. Mr. Lee's adherents accept he will take 144,000 individuals to paradise with him.

The congregation says it has in excess of 20,000 supporters outside of South Korea remembering for China, Japan, and regions of Southeast Asia.

The gathering is known for pressing its adherents firmly together during administrations. Glasses, accessories, and hoops are apparently prohibited from administrations.

Individuals from the periphery Christian gathering are accepted to have contaminated each other and afterward went around the nation, clearly undetected, in February.

In March, Mr. Lee apologized for the infection's spread.

"In spite of the fact that it was not purposeful, numerous individuals have been contaminated," he said at that point. "We put our most extreme endeavors, yet couldn't forestall everything."

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