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Heart Attack and Panic Attack: Which is Deadly?


You are suddenly having shortness of breath and severe chest pain - is it a heart attack or a panic attack?

Distinguishing between a heart attack and a panic attack can be complicated because the symptoms of both conditions are more or less the same. Excessive stress and anxiety are the main causes of panic attacks, which can also lead to heart attacks. Because of these complex problems, most people who suffer from panic attacks are rushed to the hospital in an emergency. If we can tell the difference between the two, it will save some lives and it will be easier to provide first aid in case of emergency.

What is a heart attack?

A heart attack is a silent killer. Anyone can be a victim of it at any time. Irregular exercise, unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle increase the risk of heart attack. It is possible to save a life if the symptoms are known. Heart attack is one of the biggest causes of death in the world. Heart attack is said to be responsible for one third of all deaths in the world.

When the coronary arteries of the heart become blocked for any reason, the blood supply to the heart muscle stops and the disease that occurs is called heart attack. It restricts the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart muscles. The symptoms of a heart attack are:

1. Chest pain

2. Dizziness or lightheadedness

3. Shortness of breath

4. Chest tightness or restlessness for no reason

5. Nausea

. Pain in the jaw and spine

What is a panic attack?

Excessive stress, anxiety, and intense fear that reach a peak within minutes are the main causes of panic attacks. However, in some cases, there were no obvious signs of panic attacks. The most common symptoms of a panic attack are:

1. Chest pain

2. Fear of death

3. Dizziness and

4. Feeling of pressure in the chest

What is the difference between the two?

Although the symptoms are the same in both cases, their results are completely different from each other. Panic attacks may make people feel a little suffocated, but heart attacks can be life threatening.

Common symptoms of heart attack and panic attack are:

Chest pain: The characteristics of pain are almost different in both cases. Panic attacks will feel sharp and stabbing pain in the middle of the chest but in case of heart attack the chest pain starts from the middle and spreads to the arms, jaw or shoulders. Many times physical activity can cause heart attacks. Panic attacks last for 10-15 minutes. The symptoms of a heart attack, on the other hand, intensify over time. Although a heart attack occurs suddenly, it is a manifestation of an ongoing disease process through long-term atherosclerotic changes in the coronary arteries. That is why this deadly disease is sometimes called silent killer.

Give treatment at the right time

If you are not sure about your health, it is best to seek medical help immediately. If you suddenly feel severe pain in the chest and it lasts for more than two-three minutes and if the pain spreads to the arms and jaw, you need to seek medical help very quickly, otherwise your risk of death may increase.

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