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New Zealand coronavirus: 14 new Covid-19 cases announced

A woman walking wearing a mask in Auckland
Image Credit: BBC

 New Zealand has detailed 14 new Covid-19 cases per day after its greatest city, Auckland, returned into lockdown.

The discovery of four new tainted relatives not long ago stunned a nation that had recorded no privately sent cases for over a quarter of a year.

Of the new cases, 13 have been connected back to this family, while one is an abroad appearance who was in the isolate.

A three-day lockdown was forced in Auckland on Wednesday.

"We can see the earnestness of the circumstance we are in," Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said in newsgathering.

"It's being managed in a critical however quiet and systematic way."

All the affirmed cases will currently go into isolate, said authorities. A portion of their contacts may likewise be isolated.

New Zealand has been globally lauded for its initial reaction to the pandemic.

It has again moved quickly to reimpose severe development limitations in Auckland and social removing measures the nation over.

Prior to Tuesday, New Zealand went 102 days without recording a privately communicated instance of Covid-19, one of only a handful hardly any nations to arrive at such an achievement.

Ms. Ardern has likewise said she anticipates that the flare-up should become further before it eases back down.

How did the infection reappear in New Zealand?

Wellbeing laborers have been dashing to discover the beginning of this most recent group, testing family and work contacts of the recently tainted.

The 13 new contaminations followed to four relatives include:

Representatives of an Auckland storeroom were one of the four contaminated family members worked

Family members of those partners

A student at a nearby school

A worker of an advance organization connected to the family and one of the representative's families members

Testing is being ventured up Rotorua, a spa town about 230km south-east of Auckland, which the family visited a weekend ago.

"We are working-level out to do the contact-following we have to do and follow back to discover what the wellspring of this contamination is," national wellbeing boss Ashley Bloomfield disclosed to Newstalk ZB radio.

How strange is the resurgence?

Different nations that had lifted Covid-19 lockdowns subsequent to seeing a drop in new cases have likewise observed diseases rise once more

Vietnam recorded 99 days with no network transmission before an influx of new diseases hit the focal city of Da Nang in late July.

Specialists there are additionally scanning for the wellspring of the most recent episode to help contain the illness.

Some wellbeing specialists in New Zealand, as in Vietnam, have recommended that the infection may have been flowing in the network for half a month prior to the new cases were distinguished.

There were currently natural pre-lockdown scenes in Auckland of individuals hurrying to the stores to load up on food. Neighborhood media likewise detailed others in the city sitting tight hours to be tried for the infection.

The spike in new cases has raised the chance of an all-inclusive lockdown in the city, as New Zealand is only weeks from a booked political decision.

Ms. Ardern is expected to declare subsequent stages on the lockdown on Friday and a choice on the survey before Monday.

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